World Dirtiest Man (How Often Should Humans Shower?)

An expository article on the ‘World Dirtiest Man – How Often Should Humans Shower?’

Here’s to the super fascinating story of Amou Haji, an Iranian man who held up a tenet ‘never to have his bath again’ is known worldwide as the world dirtiest man“.

This rare historic character had refused to take his bath or have a wash for over sixty years. Amou lived in the Southern Province of Iran known as Tarr.

He used to live peacefully with his family until one day he decided that being clean was a threat to his health. According to Haji, taking his bath would cause him to become ill.

So, he came to an absolutely rare decision never to have his bath again for the rest of his life. But one may wonder, where his idea of a person falling sick after having a bath originated from, was it merely out of the vacuum or did it have any truth in it.

Well, that brings us to the question how often should humans shower?

How often Should Humans shower?

Experts have said, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Many learned physicians agree that a person should have daily shower and that seems to work for most people.

This comes with a conjunction that having more than that could start to cause skin problems.

But some studies have shown that people should shower at least two to three times in a week, this practice is said to be not just enough but may be even better to maintain good health.

With the above said, the world dirtiest man laid claims to having a bad experience in the early part of his life, and this experience with water made him vow never to have a bath again.

Asides from the bad experience, He also believed that being covered in dirt which had of course grown to be soot-like over the years, prolonged his life and assured him of living forever.

However, Amou fell for the pressure from society and decided to take his bath. Sadly after, he died in October 2022, a few months after having his bath.

He was 94 years old when he died. With this tragic event, would you say it’s bad for humans to shower? Moreover, If they should shower, how often?

What is the Impact of a Daily Shower on human skin?

Human Skin care – Bathing

On one hand, like we previously mentioned some experts in the health and skincare sector claim that daily bathing keeps the skin healthy.

They believe that if you don’t take a daily shower, a build of dead skin cells will form on your skin, and coupled with the sweat from your body, it will cause you to smell and hence further germs buildup. So, to rid your skin of these, bathing often is ideal.

On the other hand, many skin care therapists have debunked the first idea, and have put forward their argument and believe that daily bathing is only a form of social habit and not a necessity.

According to them, it only exfoliates the skin and washes away the natural oil that protects the skin.

But then, which of these two theories is true of how often should humans shower?

We will agree, that, bathing frequently or not is based on preference. While some humans enjoy it because it keeps them refreshed and makes them smell nice, some try to avoid it as much as possible.

Scientific research however, states that ‘the human skin has layers of oil that protect the skin from damage.’

So, when you bathe frequently, it will lead to dry skin and expose the human skin to skin infections.

Now! Is there a better solution? How should humans protect their skins whether they shower daily or not?

How To Protect Your Skin

Lady taking a shower

Since it’s not been accurately and definitely accepted, that humans should bathe frequently or only 2-3 times per week.

Skin care therapists and experts have come up with a solution to prevent your skin from becoming dry and itchy due to frequent baths, you can use the “brushing up” method.

By “brushing up,” you can have your bath 2-3 times per week, then focus on only washing your private parts on the remaining days of the week.

Doing this is likely to keep your skin healthy and prevent dead cells from accumulating on your skin.


For our final thoughts, though scientific evidence suggests two approaches to our bathing or shower practices.

We cannot help but admit that individual choices is a huge determinant here, as seen by that of the wotld dirtiest man.

However, it is important to know that anything between any of the two experts opinion seems save and in humans best interest. As such, it is wise to inculcate one of the above as a skin care practice.


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