Wave Power Generator (How it Works)

Have you been wondering how wave power generator works in producing power to human activities and machineries?

As we know and over the years are guilty of burning fossil fuels that has resulted in the emission of toxic gases that has both poses a threat to our health quality and a problem to our environment.

The wave power generator is a new and better alternative, according to research so far in producing safe energy.

Again, energy consumption in terms of solar, thermal, nuclear, sound chemical etc has consistently increased substantially in the last few decades.

Some countries like chad, Iraq, Bahrain and cities in Pakistan and part of China have faced highly contaminated air and water pollutions that have led to migration, illnesses and even death.

These may be caused by wildfires, industrialization etc but to avoid similar cases in the nearby future it is ideal to adopt new practices.

Since, humans have also come to acclimatize to electricity since its inception and have factored basically their lives around it.

It is certainly no option to rid the world of it, just in a bit to have clean energy, preserve lives or environment.

However, to produce independent and clean electricity. Wave energy can be utilized as an alternative clean energy resource and can be exploited for power generation purposes.

As stated, this approach is relatively new but there is a growing trend towards it, which is gaining interest and investment from governments and industries.

Wave Energy Features

Wave Generator

One of the features that makes wave power generator preferred is it has the highest energy density.

It is also produced by floating turbine platforms also identified as buoys that rise and fall with the swells.

Wave power can also be generated by harnessing the changes in air pressure occurring in wave capture chambers that are incined to face the sea or by changes in wave pressure on the ocean floor.

Researchers say – that the waves in the ocean are sufficiently able to generate 2 Terawatt (TW) per year universally.

This means that, there is need for a mechanism and system that can utilize and convert the unsteady input to a constant and steady output in the form of electricity.

So far, the wave power generator system has the most confident potential to meet this demands.

Of course, as an ongoing research more and more studies are being conducted to possibly increase the efficiency of the whole system.

Environmental Impact of Wave Power Generator

Floating Electric Wave Generator

Wave power has been found to have q rather positive effect on the environment, than a negative one.

Wave power helps to minimize the amount of toxic gases that are released into the atmosphere if the same amount of energy is to be extracted or produced using other means of energy production.

Also, a certain researcher named Fadaeenejad et al argues that “the use of wave energy in the offshore islands has a positive impact on tourism as these islands have a stable development and a high quality environment”.

Similarly in 2004, The Institute of Electrical Power Engineering claims that wave energy safe water can be used to promote participation in some types of water sports.

This implies that, wave power can have a significant and positive impact on leisure and tourism.

Also, as long as environmental  impact is concerned, wave transmitters installed on the sea, will not eliminate effective agricultural zone.

Research concludes that the installation, operation, maintenance and discharge of wave energy will be additionally benefiting to most environmental friendly technology.


Wave energy produced from wave power generator may be a long awaited solution to some of our human made problems as long as energy production is considered.

But, like other energy sources, the wave energy is not exactly without cons.

It also will have some environmental and economic consequences. For this reason, scientists as well as users need to take into full account of any likely problems when planning a new facility.

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