This article is a brilliant expose focused on Crafts from Discarded Plastic Sachet Upcycle: The work of Adejoke Lasisi of Planet 3R.
It is interestingly appreciative the things that could be created out of what many would otherwise trash as wastes, if only we looked close enough to see the gold in old unneeded stuff around us, such as plastics and the likes.
In most developing countries like Nigeria, there is an alarming and widely growing spread of plastic pollution in nearly across the 36 states of the Nation.
This concentration of plastic waste is pushed up in amounts in some states with very high population, fueled by the growing use of affordable products which are usually packaged with single-use plastic.
Also, this is further exacerbated by weak enforcement of environmental laws, lack of waste treatment facilities and adequate circulation of professional waste management personnel in every state and major cities by the government of the day.
For reasons like this and more, it is common to find plastic wastes in unauthorized rubbish dump sites, such as gutters, under bridges, waterways, on the streets etc.
With this in view, discarded water sachet makes up a huge chunk of these plastic wastes as many Nigerians have grown to depend on purchase of the product ‘pure water’ for several reasons.
Most households especially in the northern part of Nigeria lack sufficient and ready access to potable water, while a huge number of Nigerians rely on pure water on-the-go to quench their taste through a busy day.
With an estimated 60 Million sachet of water used and disposed daily in Nigeria, this is certainly one of the most discarded single use plastics.
It is with such ridiculous statistics that may have birthed the vision and mission as well as work of Adejoke Lasisi of Planet 3R to delve into making Crafts from Discarded Plastic Sachet Upcycle.
Are you wondering how? That and more is what this article is dedicated to shed light on.
What is Upcycling?
Upcycling is different from recycling and it refers to the activity of making new furniture, objects, out of old or used things or discarded waste materials.
It differs from recycling in that – the materials used for upcycling doesn’t have to be destroyed but is used in its pure form to create something new.
Upcycling offers an easy and cheap way to help reduce plastic pollution. This involves finding creative ways to make use of unwanted plastics.
This is achieved either by repurposing it or by altering its design and or incorporating it with other materials for alternative use. This is exactly what Adejoke Lasisi of Planet 3R is doing.
Essentials of making Crafts from Discarded Plastic Sachet Upcycle
As we know, this major plastic waste pollution problem has already reduced lots of our arable lands and residential areas to an eyesore. Also, severe environmental and human health consequences have arisen from these waste disposal and pollution.
At such, it requires any and all intervention imaginable both by the government, organizations and individuals, all of which are of immense value.
Plastic recycling is one of the most notable ways of dealing with plastic pollution, however it has its limitations.
It is an energy intensive process and very expensive to set up. Also, some types of plastics are not recyclable while most of the recyclable kind, lose their quality when recycled.
The Work of Adejoke Lasisi of Planet 3R
Who is Adejoke Lasisi?

Adejoke is one of few Nigerian women who after seeing the negative impact of single use plastic packaging in her community, decided to do something about it.
Apparently where other people saw waste, she saw raw materials and where others saw a menace she saw potential gold.
Adejoke, who is a fashion designer by profession, had the unique idea of incorporating discarded plastic packaging into her creations, to give them a new life and save the environment.
This she has done by making crafts from Discarded Plastic Sachet Upcycle.
Today she has built a company – Planet 3R around this solution and has made several lines of products with discarded plastic packaging including laptop bag, shoe, shopping bag, school bag table mat and clothes.
This initiative not only reduces plastic waste, but also demonstrates the power that innovation in the fashion industry can have on plastic waste management.

Miss Adejoke’s innovative works have earned her both local and international recognition. Through its dedication to sustainability, it has secured partnerships with notable brands such as King’s Oil and Viva.
These collaborations not only make her creative vision a reality, but also highlight the growing demand for environmentally friendly products.
In a world where environmental concerns are becoming more urgent and sustainability is paramount, making Crafts from Discarded Plastic Sachet Upcycle through innovations like Planet 3R are a beacon of hope.
Miss Adejoke Lasisi’s Planet 3R stands as a shining example of what can happen when creativity, passion and environmental consciousness come together.
Turning discarded plastic sachets into beautiful pieces, not only solves the plastic problem, but inspires others to rethink the way fashion is designed.
Planet 3R proves you can save the planet’s life and still talk about fashion. Join the movement, support eco-friendly fashion and be part of the solution.
Find some of her works below and read about other innovation and change makers
More of Adejoke’s Crafts made through discarded plastics