
Lime (Origin, Health Benefits And How To Grow)

Origin Of Lime

With the botanical name Citrus aurantifolia, lime is a small perennial evergreen tree in the family Rutaceae, cultivated for its sour fruit. It is a hybrid citrus fruit, typically round, lime green, 3–6 centimeters (1.2–2.4 in) in diameter, and contains acidic juice vesicles.

The tree rarely grows above 5 meters (16 feet) high, and if the branches and twigs are not cut off, it becomes shrublike. The tree branches have small sharp thorns with short, stiff twigs and small leaves. The leaves of the tree are pale green, and the small white flowers appear in groups.

The fruit is round in shape and about 3 to 4 cm (1 to 1.5 inches)in diameter, with a tiny apical nipple. The thin peel is usually greenish-yellow when ripe. The pulp is tender, juicy, yellowish-green in color, and decidedly acidic. 

Limes have more acid and sugar content than lemons. However, some species lack citric acid referred to as sweet limes. Lime is believed to have originated from India and the Asian region.

Most species and hybrids of the lime plants have different origins within tropical Southeast Asia and South Asia. Lime became a global plant because of migration and trade.

Nutrient Composition Of Lime

The nutrient composition contained in 100grams of lime includes:

  • Calories 30
  • Total Fat 0.2 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g
  • Sodium 2 mg
  • Potassium 102 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 11 g
  • Dietary fibre 2.8 g
  • Sugar 1.7 g
  • Protein 0.7 g

Preferred Botanical Name: Citrus aur   antifolia

Preferred Common Name: Lime

Local Common Name;

  • Ibibio: Mkpri sokoro

Medicinal Properties And Uses Of Lime

The following are the various benefits and uses of lime.

  • Limes are good sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent or slow cell damages that may occur due to free radicals. It reduces the risk of certain health conditions like cancer and heart diseases.
  • Limes contain a high proportion of vitamin C, a nutrient that may help boost your immune system.
  • Limes have several properties that may promote healthy skin. Limes are high in antioxidants, which may help combat age-related skin changes.
  • May prevent kidney stones.
  • Limes increase iron absorption.

How To Grow Lime

Yield Information 

The annual yield of a lime tree is about 30 to 50 pounds of fruits. Fruits usually take between 6 to 8 months to ripen.

Soil And Sun Requirements 

Lime can grow in a sandy loam or clay loam soil; the most suitable soil is sandy loam soil because the soil is lighter, and the tree is a shallow-rooted tree that can develop root rot if the soil is too compacted. The soil pH level should be between 6.0 and 7.5; 6.5 is the best pH level.

On clay soil, work on the soil to lighten its texture with organic compost. The amendment should be on the entire planting area rather than the planting hole. Limes will not do well in salty or compacted soil features.

Limes require full sun for at least 6 hours per day. Plant your lime in a place where it will receive enough sun from morning to late afternoon

Nursery And Transplant Requirements 

  • First, grow your seed indoors and once they have sprouted out, transplant them into a new pot or the garden directly.
  • In the pot where you will place the tree, fill the root area with soil, set it at the same level as it came from the nursery, and press down the soil lightly.
  • Keep the soil moist, but not wet, for at least a week or two and the water regular.
  • Make sure your citrus tree has total sun exposure. 
  • If you are using a container, ensure that the container you want to grow your tree is three times bigger than the seedling’s root ball, and use a well-draining potting mix with compost.
  • If planting in the ground, amend the soil with organic material.
  • Drainage is important as they do not like to be soaked in water.

Watering Requirements 

Lime trees need consistent moisture to grow well. Ensure that the lime tree does not dry out; hence the leaves will wilt and drop. Instead of regular surface watering, water the soil deeply once or twice a week. Water the lime tree once the soil is dry.

Planting And Spacing Requirements 

Spacing requirements for dwarf trees differ from those of full-size trees. About 8 to 10 feet spacing is required for dwarf limes, while full-size lime trees need at least 12 feet.

Harvesting Of Lime

Limes turn yellow once they are fully ripe, but their taste at that state is bitter. Before harvesting, look out for a yellowish-green lime that is heavy and firm but not hard. Ensure to harvest ripe fruit because they do not ripen after being plucked.

Ripe limes have a lime-ish smell, soft skin, are heavier, and contain more juice.

Storage Of Lime

Keep limes in the refrigerator, mesh bag, or vegetable drawer to prevent them from drying out. A plastic bag is not recommended because it may cause limes to rot or get moldy quickly. 

Diseases And Pests Of Lime

The following are pests and diseases affecting lemongrass.

Blackroot Rot

Symptoms include small brown-black lesions on roots that may merge and turn the entire root black; root cortex may slough off to reveal the vascular tissue below; plant leaves may be chlorotic. It is caused by fungus. 

Management of black rot includes keeping nurseries well lit and warm during winter to encourage vigorous root growth; using good quality potting soil provides good aeration.

Citrus Canker 

Citrus canker is a bacterial disease, and its symptoms include brown circle spots on the tip or margin of the leaves, which may also appear on the twigs or fruits.

Management Of Citrus Canker

Destroy and remove all trees that have been infected. You can use cultural control methods like controlling the leaf miner population and utilizing windbreaks.  

Aphids (Black Citrus Aphid And Brown Citrus Aphid) 

Brown citrus aphid is caused by small and soft-bodied insects that are black. Its symptoms include leaves curling, a sticky substance like a growing sooty mold covering the leaves and twigs, and trees may show signs of Tristeza.

Management Of Aphids

When the tree’s leaves harden off, the number of aphids reduces, which only applies to mature trees. Young trees are more at the mercy of the insect because the insects multiply and insecticides are not generally recommended due to resistance.

Soft Scales (Black scale, Brown soft scale, Citricolla scale)

Insects cause it. Symptoms are: 

  • Leaves are covered in a sticky substance and may have growth of sooty mold.
  • Reduced tree vigor.
  • Leaves and/or fruit dropping from plants.
  • Presence of black, brown, or gray flattened scales on leaves, twigs, and/or branches.

Organic control methods like the application of horticultural oils and preservation of natural enemies are acceptable methods. 


Limes are a powerhouse of health benefits, thanks to their abundant supply of essential nutrients. Bursting with vitamin C, they strengthen the immune system and help ward off illnesses, while also enhancing overall health. 

The antioxidants present in limes fight against harmful free radicals, decreasing inflammation and supporting heart health. Moreover, their high concentration of citric acid aids in digestion, promoting a well-functioning digestive system. It’s worth noting that limes can even aid in weight management by promoting the feeling of fullness and boosting metabolism. Limes are known for their alkalizing properties, which can help maintain a healthy pH level in the body and promote efficient bodily function. In addition, limes are rich in flavonoids that have been linked to potential anti-cancer benefits.

 By adding limes to your diet, you can enhance your overall health and well-being with a boost of vitality and strength.

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