How to Grow Pineapple from Top

It is our absolute delight to share our knowledge on how to grow pineapple from top with our readers.

As a gardener, be it fulltime or as a leisure activity. Having an all round knowledge of how to grow pineapple from top, otherwise known as the crown at your fingertips is necessary.

Proper planting of any crop has a lot to do with its yield assuming all other conditions are equally met.

Pineapple is a juicy fruit that can be cultivated in three ways, of which one is through the top (crown)

So, how can this be done, you may ask. Growing pineapple through its top is explained in details in this article.

Steps on How to Grow Pineapple From Top

Pineapple Top

Below are tested steps and guidelines on how to grow pineapple from top:

1. Select a healthy and ripe pineapple.

Ripe pineapples are usually easy to identify, because it turns gold or yellowish. Usually from the base up: the more gold, the sweeter (and riper) the pineapple.

2. Proceed to Removing the Top by firmly grasping the leaves and twisting. Doing this will detach the crown from the base.

Once you’ve successfully done that, you can then peel, dry and root.

3. Peel and Remove Lower Leaves

Peel off layers of leaves from the base to expose you to some small brown nubs that the leaves usually cover up.

These nubs are responsible for sprouting of new roots, especially when planting pineapple using a container.

Nigeria, is a good place for nubs, because it can be planted directly in the ground. This is because of its tropical climate.

4. Dry Crown

“Pineapple Top Growing in soil”

This is another way on how to grow pineapple from top. Dry crown involves: Laying the crown on its side and allowing it to dry for about 2 days out in direct sunlight.

Drying the top reduces its susceptibility to disease. Some gardeners prefer to put it in water.

5. Root Top in Water

You can also opt to submerge the crown (only the leaf-free part) in a bucket containing clean, warm water.

When undertaking the rooting process, keep the crown out of direct sun.

Next, change the water to a fresh one every second day to maintain a fresh clean water.

The leaves may begin to dry and turn brown. It is normal, not all stay green, though some do.

If the plant is not going to root, the top may dry out entirely. If this happens, you need to try another pineapple.

This rooting process may take about a week, and roots may start to form.

When left for about 3 weeks in the water it’d be more pronounced. Don’t forget to change the water every two days.

6. Plant in Potting Mix

In a month or six weeks, you will have had long roots, next, plant the top in an organic potting mix, choose a container with enough room.

Planting depth to observe when growing your pineapple is to ensure that you plant your crown with it leaves raised above the soil and roots beneath.

In the coming weeks, your pineapple should be shielded from bright sun, and ensure that the soil is regularly moist but not too wet.

When this is done, you will find that the plant has firmly taken position in the soil and they’ll be signs of new leaf growth, usually shot from the middle of the plant.

Read Also: Four Ways To Propagate pineapple

How long does it take to Grow Pineapple from its Top?

Growing pineapple from its top varies with places and planting methods employed, there is no one fit-for-all.

But, most likely growing pineapple from its top will take about 1-3weeks in the rooting method to show viable signs of roots formation.


Watching your pineapple grow and finally fruits again and again over the years is one of the many joys of planting.

To achieve this, as a gardener you need to be ready to be patient as well as protect your pineapple from pests and diseases that may creep in.

Lastly, pineapple grow best in a warm temperature and bright light. So, whether your pineapple plant is outdoor or indoor ensure to provide enough bright light with controlled heat for it to do well.

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