Four ways to propagate pineapple

Four Ways To Propagate Pineapple

The article you are currently viewing seeks to bring to your knowledge four ways to propagate pineapple fruit anywhere commercially or for home use.


One of the most challenging and demanding parts of growing and propagating pineapples is knowing more than one way to do it, and yet achieve the same result.

In this article, we will be exposing, enlightening and guiding you practically on four ways to Propagate pineapple efficiently.

We also intend to disclose useful tips and insights to ensure you achieve success in your pineapple propagation and orchard.

Growing this one of a kind juicy fruit at home can be many things from expensive to budget-friendly and stressfree ways.

Who wants to opt for the former when the latter guarantees among others a practical and cost-free way to grow your own delicious and tropical fruits.

With the methods we will be discussing, it is deal for just anyone who is passionate about farming.

Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting your gardening journey, or you love to learn new things for the sake of expanding your knowledge horizon.

Pineapple propagation is relatively simple and can be done through employing a variety of techniques.

Four Ways To Propagate Pineapple

Below are four tested and proven efficient methods to propagate your pineapples.

Method 1: Through Pineapple Crown:

Pineapple top crown
Pineapple top crown

The first method we are considering is propagating pineapples through pineapple crown.

The pineapple crown refers to the crown you find on the pineapple fruit itself. This crown is also identified by some persons as “the pineapple top”.

To begin, It is best to separate the crown from the fruit and allow the crown to dry for a day or two. This act of drying it out helps to prevent rot, before cultivation.

Afterwards the crown can be rooted in water before planting or it can likewise be planted directly in a well-drained soil.

Though, planting directly into the soil tends to have higher success rate, this is most usually due to the facts that no roots are damaged during planting.

Method 2: Through Pineapple slips

Pineapple Slip
Pineapple Slip

The second on our list of four ways to propagate pineapple is through pineapple slips. These refer to small pups that grow on the stalk of the pineapple fruit just below it.

To propagate the pineapple slips, carefully remove the slips from the stack, making sure you have some original tissue attached.

Dry the slips briefly before planting in the soil.

Method 3: Through Pineapple Suckers

Pineapple Sucker
Pineapple Sucker

The third way is propagating your pineapples through its suckers

Most usually, pineapple suckers grow between the leaves of a pineapple plant.

First, gently separate the suckers from the parent plants, to ensure you preserve some roots. Let the suckers dry briefly before planting.

It is common for one mature pineapple tree to have multiple suckers, giving it plenty of opportunity to spread, so you can take advantage of them.

Some gardeners prefer rooting them in water first, before planting but in my experience, it is not necessary. You should just plant it directly in a well drained soil.

Method 4: Through Ground Suckers or Ratoons

Pineapple ratoon or underground sucker
Pineapple ratoon or underground sucker

The last of our four ways to propagate Pineapple we are considering in this article is through ground suckers, also known as ratoons, this can be seen growing from the underground portion of the pineapple stem.

To get them, carefully dig around the base of the pineapple plant to expose the ratoons.

Next, separate the ratoons from the parent plant, being cautious not to damage the roots.

Proceed to planting these ratoons directly in the soil, just like you did in the other propagation methods.


In conclusion, by practically following the above guide and tips on growing these fruits at your home orchard, it can be fun-filled and a cost-effective activity, allowing you to try tropical fruits right in your garden.

With these four ways to propagate pineapples at the tip of your fingers, you have a variety of options as you begin or continue the journey of growing your pineapple.