
Coconut (Origin, Health Benefits And How To Grow)

Origin Of Coconut

Coconut, the fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), is a tree of the palm family (Arecaceae). Coconut is believed to have originated in Indo-Malaya and grows in the tropics. Coconut is a perennial crop. Coconut flesh contains high fat, which can be eaten fresh or dry.

The coconut tree can grow to 80 feet (25 meters). The tree trunk may be slender, leaning, and ringed. It often has a swollen base with a crown of giant featherlike leaves gathered around it. Coconut shapes are ovoid or ellipsoid.  

For a matured tree, the length is between 12-18 inches (300-450 mm), and the diameter is 6-8 inches (150-200 mm). The mesocarp is thick and fibrous; the liquid of the nut is used in beverages. The fruit’s endocarp (surrounding seed) covers the meat (endosperm) and drinks. 

Very mature coconuts have embryos for replanting. Their fruits are easily carried away by water, leading to their wide dispersal by ocean currents and humans in the tropics.

Nutrient Composition Of Coconut

The amount of nutrients contained in 100g of coconut fruit is as follows:

  • Calories 354
  • Total Fat 33 g
  • Saturated fat 30 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat 0.4 g
  • Monounsaturated fat 1.4 g
  • Sodium 20 mg
  • Potassium 356 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 15 g
  • Dietary fiber 9g
  • Sugar 6 g
  • Protein 3.3g

Preferred Botanical Name: Cocos nucifera

Preferred Common Name: Coconut

Local Common Name:

  • Ibibio: Isip Mbakara

Medicinal Properties And Uses Of Coconut

Some of the medicinal benefits of coconut are:

  • Coconut meat is high in fat and other nutrients such as carbs and protein. Essential nutrients like manganese, copper, iron, and selenium are not lacking. 
  • Eating it may improve cholesterol levels and help decrease belly fat. Foods high in cholesterol are a risk factor for heart disease.
  • It is an excellent choice for blood sugar control because it is low in carbs, rich in amino acids, healthy fats, and fiber.
  • Polyphenol antioxidants are present in coconuts; they protect cells from damage, thus, lowering disease risk.
  • Young coconuts give more health benefits than mature ones. The highest source of electrolytes is found in young coconut water.
  • Their  oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, hair, and scalp. It also aids hair growth. 

How To Grow Coconut

Below is detailed information on how to grow coconut.

Yield Information 

when The trees are planted on fertile soil can yield up to 75 fruits annually, but most of the time, it yields less than 70. Coconut trees that are well taken care of and in good condition may produce their first fruit in six to ten years, taking 15 to 20 years to reach the highest production.

Fruits require a year to ripen; the annual yield per tree may reach 100, but 50 is still good. Their  trees will continue to yield greatly until trees are about 50 years old then yields will begin to depreciate.

Nursery And Transplant Requirements Of Coconut

You can transplant seedlings after 4 to 10 months. Transplants are planted in the field at distances of 8–10 meters (26–33 feet). If irrigation facilities are available, it is advisable to plant at least a month before rainfall so that the seedlings get well established before heavy rains. 

Transplant should be covered well with soil and done carefully to avoid shock. Ensure  to water as required.

Soil And Sun Requirements Of Coconut

The soil requirements  are alluvial, red sandy loam, laterite, reclaimed soils, and coastal sandy soils with a pH between 5.2 to 8.0. A soil with good water holding capacity with at least a depth of 1.2m will be suitable for coconut cultivation.  

They  require full sun to grow properly. Give them as much sun as possible, about six hours of sunlight per day.

Watering Requirements Of Coconuts

Keep the soil continuously moist with warm water , but do not soak the plant. Generally, three to four drippers are given per palm. An adult palm requires 40 to 50 liters per day.

Planting And Spacing Requirements Of Coconut

The spacing requirement for dwarf palms is about 7-8 meters, hybrid is 8-8.5 meters, and tall palms are 8-10 meters. This is because the crown size of tall palms are approximately 30% larger than hybrid and Dwarf varieties. A hectare of land will have 115-236 and 100-200 palms under a triangle and square system, respectively.

The spacing requirement for growing coconut is 5 to 6 feet gap from the edges and about 16 feet between trees. This ensures that leaves do not touch each other as they grow.

Harvesting Of Coconut

The harvest cycle is between 45-60 days or 75–90 days. Harvesting can occur every month, and 10-45 nuts can be harvested from each coconut tree at different maturity phases every harvest cycle. 

Harvesting coconuts on commercial farms is by climbing the tree using a rope or a ladder. The husk of a matured coconut will begin to turn brown and dry; the drier the husk, the more matured the nut. Twist the nut or cut the stem with a knife during harvesting. 

Storage Of Coconut

Storage of fresh and unopened coconuts at room temperature can last up to four months, depending on the freshness of the nut when it was harvested or purchased. Store fresh, grated coconut in the refrigerator for four days or six months in the freezer. Do not put them in a tightly sealed container.  

Disease And Pest Of Coconut

Bud Rot

Symptoms include leaves turning necrotic, chlorosis on leaves, water-soaked lesions. It is caused by oomycetes and is controlled by removing old debris and irrigating trees early.

Stem Bleeding Disease

Soft yellow rot on the trunk, reddish liquid ooze from rotting regions, affected areas turn black. It is a fungus and is managed by avoiding wounding palms with machinery and removing and destroying infected trees.

Cadang Cadang

This causes chlorotic spots on leaves, death of palm, stunted inflorescence.

Lethal Yellowing

Causes premature dropping of fruit, crown turns yellow, the flower turns black. It is caused by phytoplasma. 


Coconut offers a plethora of health benefits, renowned for its versatile applications. Packed with medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), it promotes heart health by raising good cholesterol. Its antimicrobial properties support immune function, while the high fiber content aids digestion and weight management. Rich in electrolytes, coconut water is a natural hydrator, ideal for replenishing fluids. 

Moreover, not only does their oil have nourishing properties that can benefit both the skin and hair, it also offers a distinct combination of nutrients that make it a nutritional powerhouse. Incorporating coconut into our diets not only contributes to our overall well-being, but it also adds a delectable touch to our culinary pursuits.  


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